6 Need-To-Know Facts About Lessina

With the drastic plunge in major economies these days, it is really impractical to have children that you cannot afford to raise. This would only aggravate the already undesirable economic conditions of many families worldwide.  Birth control or contraception is a responsible move that anyone could make. It has one purpose—to prevent conception after the sexual act. This is to make sure that unwanted pregnancies and  population explosions do not happen.

There are many methods of birth control that you could consider and discuss with your physician—barrier method (condom, diaphragm), contraceptive pills, vasectomy, ligation, IUD, injections, skin patch, withdrawal, and rhythm/calendar method. The most commonly used birth control method is the use of contraceptive pills. One of the brands used today in Lessina. Lessina is also known as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. It is a good combination of hormones for females that prevent the viable eggs from being released from the woman’s ovary. Lessina changes the mucus that is secreted by the cervix. It also changes the lining of the uterus that makes it very hard for the egg to securely attach itself onto the uterus and also for the sperm to actually reach the egg. Here are some of the important details that you should know about Lessina that you could discuss with your doctor:


1. Before taking

You should have a talk with your doctor before you use Lessina. Tell your physician if you are pregnant or if you have cancer (uterine or hormone-related), jaundice from contraceptive pills, cancer of the liver or any liver disease, heart valve disorder, blood clots, history of stroke, abnormal bleeding in the vagina, severe hypertension, high cholesterol, severe migraine, excessive weight problems, tuberculosis, varicose veins, fibroid tumors in the uterus, history of fibrocystic breast diseases, diabetes, abnormal mammogram, epilepsy, history of irregular menstruation, gallbladder disease, history of myocardial infarction, chest pains, and history of depression. Be honest with your doctor and do not withhold any valuable information about your health history or present health status.



2. Precautions

Before taking Lessina, you should inform your doctor if you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant. If you just gave birth, let a month or four weeks pass before taking Lessina and about six weeks if you are a breastfeeding mother. Lessina has teratogenic effects so it will be much safer for you and the baby if you do not take this contraceptive pill during pregnancy. You should also work with your doctor in taking note of the underlying health problems that you may have. Be honest with your physician so that you will not experience adverse effects of the medication. If you are already 35 years or older and use Lessina or any other hormone-based therapy, you are at a higher risk of having blood clots.



3. Missed dose

Like any other contraceptive pill, you will increase your risk of conception everytime you miss a dose of Lessina. If you do miss one, then take two pills the following day, then one pill for each day after that, until you finish the pack.





4. Avoid

You should avoid smoking while using Lessina or any other birth control pill, especially if you are already above 35 years old. This increases your risk of having detrimental blood clots that may lead to further complications. You should take note that Lessina will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections or diseases. You should use barrier methods of contraception for this.




5. Interactions

There are some drugs that interact with Lessina. Some of them are antibiotics, seizure medications, sedatives, St. John’s wort, cyclosporine, theophylline, prednisolone, acetaminophen, and HIV or AIDS medications. These drugs could decrease the effectiveness or potency of the contraceptive pills. You should also inform your doctor of any herbs, OTC medications, or supplementations that you may be using.




6. Side effects

Some of the known side effects that you could experience from taking Lessina are weakness or numbness (one side of body), digestive problems, chest pains, sudden headache bouts, speech problems, vision problems, balance problems, confusion, swelling, dark urine, depression bouts, vaginal itching, breast tenderness, dark facial skin, increased growth of hair, changes in appetite, changes in menstruation, decreased libido, and nervousness.




You should always remember to coordinate and cooperate with your doctor when you take contraceptive pills like Lessina. This will make your birth control experience much more pleasant. Adverse effects will be dealt with and managed properly. Your health comes first so make sure that you take care of it at every chance you have. Always follow the prescription properly.

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