Fibromyalgia sometimes referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome or FMS is a chronic disorder described by the extensive musculoskeletal pain associated by fatigue, restless sleep, awakening feeling exhausted, memory, anxiety, depression and disturbances in bowel movement. Medical researchers consider the fact that fibromyalgia intensify the painful sensations by affecting the means that the brain processes the pain signal. Fibromyalgia symptoms occasionally start following surgery, physical trauma, disease or major psychological stress. In some cases, fibromyalgia symptoms slowly accumulate over a period of time without any causing event. Fibromyalgia mostly affect women than men. Most people affected with fibromyalgia also have temoromandibular joint disorder or TMJ and tension headaches. Since fibromyalgia is one of the diseases that greatly affects muscle, the painful tissues are not accompanied by swelling. Therefore, in spite of severe body pain, people affected with fibromyalgia do not develop body deformity. Fibromyalgia does not also cause damage to internal body organs. Unfortunately, treatment for fibromyalgia is not yet known but there are available medications than can help to control the symptoms effectively. Physical exercises, relaxation technique and stress reduction ways may bring relief to a person with fibromyalgia.
What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Pain related with fibromyalgia frequently can be described as a steady dull ache that normally takes place from the muscles. It can be considered widespread if the pain takes place on both sides of the body and above and lower part of the waist. Fibromyalgia is also characterized by tender points wherein there is additional pain once hard pressure is being applied to definite parts or areas of the body. These tender point locations include the following.
- Back of the head
- Top of the shoulders
- Connecting the shoulder blades
- Front areas of the neck
- Upper chest
- Outer elbows
- Upper part of the hips
- Sides of hips
- Inner knees
What are the causes of fibromyalgia?
The real causes of fibromyalgia are not yet known. But there are different factors that may involve causing fibromyalgia and these include the following.
- Genetically may tend to enhance the occurrence of fibromyalgia.
- There are some diseases that may aggravate fibromyalgia.
- Post-traumatic stress disease has also been connected to fibromyalgia.
What is the risk factors affecting fibromyalgia?
- Women are the one most affected with fibromyalgia than men. It is because of the female reproductive hormones that may take part in how women experience pain.
- There would be more possibly to develop fibromyalgia if one or more relatives are affected with it.
- Person with rheumatic disease like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus has also greater risk of having fibromyalgia.
What are the natural home remedies for fibromyalgia?
1.    Avoid stress.
Try to manage your time to avoid emotional stress. Let yourself spend time to relax every day. However, this does not mean to give up all your everyday activities for it will only worsen your condition. Try to remain physical active just learn to practice the stress management techniques like yoga or other deep-breathing exercises.
2.    Get adequate sleep.
Getting adequate sleep is very important to a person affected with fibromyalgia since fatigue is one factor that attributes to this disease. Put into practice a good quality sleeping habits like going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and prefer not to nap during daytime.
3. Â Â Â Â Do physical activities regularly.
Doing physical activities or exercises may enhance your pain at the beginning but by doing it slowly and habitually may lessen the symptoms. Suitable physical activities with fibromyalgia may include swimming, walking, water aerobics and biking. Consult a physical therapist of what physical activities may suit you and ask an exercise program that you may do at home if you want to.
4.    Set the pace for yourself.
Do not exert yourself in doing too much exercise during your good days for you may have only more awful days. Just maintain doing your physical activities on a constant level.
5.    Keep a healthy lifestyle.
Maintain a healthy diet and avoid caffeine. Find to do things or activities that will make you happy and fulfilled in each day.
6.    Have a massage therapy.
Massage therapy may give benefit to people with fibromyalgia for it engage in different manipulative techniques to relax the body’s muscles. Massage therapy helps to lessen the heart rate, bring to get better the range of motion in the joints and enhance the production of body’s natural painkillers. It also frequently relieves stress and anxiety.
7.    Practice yoga and tai chi.
These practices involve deep breathing, meditation, slow movements and relaxation. These techniques are both useful in controlling symptoms of fibromyalgia.
All these natural remedies may help to relieve pain cause by fibromyalgia. Consult your doctor of what is applicable to your present condition and if medication is needed.