Neuromins is a brand of supplement that is derived from a vegetable source that is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for your health. The common source of DHA is fish oil. This makes Neuromins very unique because this DHA comes from microalgae extracts. The microalgae if what the fishes actually eat so taking Neuromins is like going straight to the source of the known source.
Author Archives: Mian Ong
Need-To-Know Facts About Nettle Rash
Have you ever had very itchy, reddish swellings on your skin, pretty much like a rash from the stinging nettle plant? This condition is called urticaria or nettle rash. The Latin word for nettle is urtica. Nettle rash usually varies in size and shape. It lasts up to 24 hours and is very itchy. This may occur once or repeatedly.
Treatments for Nerve Irritation
Do you experience tingling sensations and numbness, it is usually related to nerve irritation or damage. When your nerve is irritated, it may be caused by either being pinched or trapped. Nerve pinching or impingement is a very common condition wherein the nerve in the spine is being compressed between two spinal vertebrae. An overgrowth of bone or a protruding disc may be pressing on the nerve. A trapped nerve is a nerve that adheres to the soft tissues that surrounds it which includes the fascia, ligaments, and muscles.
How You Should Use a Neti Pot
Alternative medicine has made its way into the lives of so many people. This means of regaining your health has really become popular in all parts of the world. Everything has already been used from roots to buds, from candles to smoke. There are also others who resort to some simple apparatus to correct their ailments. One such equipment is the neti pot.
Kinds of Nerve Pain Medication
Pain is not easy to endure. It could really interfere with your daily activities and even prevent you from enjoying life. These days, there are already so many ways to ease pain. Varieties of nerve pain medication are prescribed and used to manage and control pain discomfort. So pain that is caused by shingles, HIV, cancer, injuries, or any other underlying disease can now be remedied.
Concepts to Remember About Neocate Infant Formula
When you have a baby, it is always a big responsibility to make sure that the best possible nutrition will be provided at all times. As you know, good nutrition is needed to sustain proper growth and development. For infants, it is vital to start the supply of complete nutrients from day one. One of the best ways to do this is to give Neocate.
Vital Points on Nerve Deafness
When there is an uneven damage to the inner ear and hearing is not entirely lost, you may have nerve deafness. Loss of sensitivity to various tones, particularly high-pitched ones, may be experienced if you suffer from thus type of hearing loss. Nerve deafness makes the normal hearing zone a lot narrowed. This is usually manifested by the difficulty of patients to distinguish the consonant sounds with high tones. The patient with nerve deafness has a hard time in hearing words if there is a noise I the background.
Facts About Neosporin Ointment
Neospirin ointment is also known as Polymxyin B sulfate, bacitracin, and neomycin sulfate. This contains a mixture of anti-infectives that are used for treating specific bacterial infections, particularly skin infections. Neospirin ointment can also prevent infections that you can acquire from wounds, minor cuts, and burns.
7 Known Negative Side Effects of High Protein Diet
In weight loss and fitness, they say that a high protein diet is the key. Protein help you feel fuller longer and help in the efficient cell repair and growth. It is common for body builders to increase the amount of protein in their diet. Because of the said benefits of proteins, there are people who establish a sole protein diet, even replacing carbohydrates with protein sources.
7 Easy Neck Pain Remedies
Neck pain can be a result of leaning over a table, having bad posture all day, every single day, and even using a mattress that is too soft for you.  Bottom line is that neck pain is mostly brought about by muscle tension. With all the activities that you can only do with the neck’s mobility, this area of your body is surely bound to have too much stress and strain. Your head weights eight to twenty pounds and it is just supported by a short stack of small bones named the cervical spine.