Author Archives: Mian Ong

Facts About Nectar Protein

A healthy transition from flab to fab is everyone’s dream. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are essential to make this possible. Having great consideration about the nutrients that you take in is very important. In fact, diet change is the hardest part of losing weight and getting fit. One of the ways that help you with your diet transition is the protein shake.

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Facts About Neck And Jaw Pain

Try opening your mouth and tilting your head. Is there pain or do you hear clicking sounds? It is very annoying and very uncomfortable when you have neck and jaw pain. When pain in the neck and in your jaw occur at the same time, you are often faced with trouble doing your everyday activities and even maintain a good social life.  Simple tasks become very complicated if you have a painful area in your body. There are times when you  can’t even turn your head to greet anyone or call out to a friend because of your neck and jaw pain.

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6 Easy Neck Exercises

Your neck is a very delicate part of your body because it is not as bulky as your torso. But even if it is just that thin, it supports your head and keeps you well-coordinated with the rest of your body. It received tremendous stress and strain especially when you do not have everything positioned or done right in your daily activities.

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Types of Neck Injuries

When someone has neck injuries, the first thing that has to be done is to stabilize the neck. The region of the neck is called the cervical spine. It is a very delicate region because any significant damage to it, especially to the 4th or 5th cervical vertebra, could cause paralysis. And this would not be a very bright situation for the patient.

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Pointers in Performing Neck Massage

When you are busy doing so many things at the same time, you tend to forget about your posture. Whether you’re standing or sitting, you tend to slouch and this brings so much strain on your shoulders and nape. This is because the muscles of your neck connect the base of your skull with your spine, scapula, clavicle, and humerus.

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Facts About Neck Traction Devices

Neck traction devices are used to relieve the pain brought about by spasms of the neck muscles or compression of the nerve roots. There is traction when there is an application of force on a body part to decrease the spasms through soft tissue stretching. Traction is utilized to separate the bony surfaces or joint surfaces.

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Useful Concepts on Head and Neck Tumor

A large percentage of the world’s population is diagnosed and treated for head and neck tumor. These are oral cancers, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, laryngeal cancers, and pharyngeal cancers.  It is said that head and neck tumor head and neck tumor cases are much more aggressive in the younger members of the population probably because of the late diagnosis.

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Conditions Resulting to Neck Pain And Dizziness

When you complain of neck pain and dizziness, this is usually the result of several conditions. This is when your dizziness is brought about by the pain or any problem that you are having with your neck or cervical vertebrae. The dizziness is usually described as clumsiness, off-balanced, unsteady or lightheaded. The patients who have experienced long-term dizziness have already established that what they are having is related to their neck injury or neck pain.

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Facts About Pinched Neck Nerves

You just came out of your doctor’s clinic with a diagnosis of a pinched neck nerve. The pain has been bothering you for quite a while and it was starting to debilitate you. Pinched neck nerves are brought about by a degenerative disease of the vertebral disc or neck arthritis. These conditions decrease the height of the disc and form bone spurs. A herniated vertebral disc can put pressure on a nerve that irritates the nerve, resulting to inflammation and pain. You could also acquire pinched neck nerves through a cervical spine injury.

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11 Very Easy Neck Exercises For Double Chin


Do you dread looking at yourself in the mirror everyday? Do you wear turtle necks all the time? Do you hate wearing your hair up? Do you dread photo opportunities? If you say YES to these questions, then you probably have a double chin.

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