Author Archives: irina

Constipation Remedies During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences several changes in her body. Along with the many changes happening in the woman’s body are some discomforts and special needs. Both the health of the mother and her child needs care and attention. A healthy pregnant woman should achieve homeostasis or balance as a non-pregnant woman should. Prevention of any disease is always better than cure.

One of the common problems encountered during pregnancy is the problem in elimination of bowels. It is a common problem but doesn’t mean that every pregnant woman should undergo this burden. Continue reading

hypertension pathophysiology diagnosis and management

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the term hypertension as, “a persistent elevation of the systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg.” The blood vessel type that is being measured in this case is the arterial pressure. When systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated, this indicates that the heart is working harder than it should to be able to pump the blood throughout the whole body. The normal value of blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg in adults.

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Hysterectomy Procedure Types and Indications

The surgical removal of the womb or the uterus is called Hysterectomy. Adjacent parts of the female reproductive system such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries may be also included in some other types of hysterectomy.

Like in most mammals, the uterus is the house that nurtures the unborn baby until it reaches the proper time to be delivered into the world. It is a pear-shaped organ and is a major hormone responsive reproductive sex organ of females. The uterus functions to accept the fertilized ovum of which passes through fallopian tube from the ovaries. It is where the fertilized ovum is implanted on the thick musculature of the endometrium to be nourished and wait its time to complete gestation.  Continue reading

All about Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen, a very popular and worldwide used anti-pain medication was discovered by Dr. Stewart Adams. It was developed by the Boots Group of Phamaceuticals in the 1960’s. How marvelous. I wonder if Dr. Adams did have a terrible headache while he was doing his research. His hardwork and research has benefitted the world in saving themselves from headache. A person cannot work effectively when in pain. Continue reading

Contact Dermatitis: Irritant and Allergic types

Do you have an extreme sensitivity to a stimulation of any kind? How does it annoy you? What is your response with the irritating object or situation? Do bra straps or stockings make your shoulders or thighs itch? Does your skin exhibit signs of extreme sensitivity to a type of hair product? Exhibiting signs of dermatitis? Continue reading

Symptoms of Pain Medication Abuse

The assessment and management of pain can be very complex that the whole process of managing and living with the pain could be very difficult to some people and health care professionals. The goal of administering pain medications is to alleviate pain and suffering, enhance movement, and to enable a person to do his activities of daily living. Continue reading

Keloid Scar: A horrible nightmare!

Our skin has its natural way of healing its own wounds by undergoing a few processes such as coagulation, inflammation, fibroplasia and wound remodeling. What people hate most are scar formations after skin trauma. Never have we seen a model, showcasing a keloid on the ramp. For many people, scars greatly affect the way that they dress due to self-perception and self-esteem. Nobody wants to have scars and a keloid is a nightmare. Continue reading

Fungal Skin Infections

Ugh, the Itching Truth

Everyone wants to have a flawless skin. Fungal skin infections can be very embarrassing because many people consider this as a disease of those people who have poor hygiene and sanitation. Signs and symptoms of fungal infections may vary from one person to another. These can be uncomfortable due to discolorations, scaling, foul smell and itchiness. Fungal infections takes a longer time to heal than other skin infections because of the fungal spores that would require longer treatments and can cause a low self-esteem on the beholder. The symptoms can be very embarrassing because everyone wants to have a healthy looking skin, without the scaling and peeling. Many people believe that these infection are acquired from unsanitary saunas, showers, contaminated linens, clothes and shoes.  Continue reading

Pediculosis: A Parasitic Skin Infection

Everybody hates a parasite. People who habitually rely on the other’s expense are called parasites but what can be really uncomfortable is a parasite that lives on a human body. Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism (host) and benefits by deriving it’s nutrients at the host’s expense. Lice infestation affects people of all ages. Pediculosis or Phthriasis species are considered ectoparasites, since they live and benefit from the outside of the body of its host. There are three types of lice that infest humans depending on the body part that they affecting. They get all their food and nutrients from the person’s body and leave their digestive juices and excrement into the skin, which causes severe itching and discomfort. A pediculosis infestation is not a sign of uncleanliness. Even a clean person may acquire it. Continue reading

Complications of a Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Degenerative Joint Diseases

A degenerative joint disease is the degeneration due to the “wear and tear” of joint surface cartilage that is usually accompanied by an overgrowth of bone, narrowing of joint spaces, hardening of bone on joint surface, and bone deformation. Continue reading