Author Archives: irina

What Causes a Dark Colored Urine?

The kidney functions as the body’s main excretory organ. It eliminates the body’s metabolic wastes. Urine is formed in the kidneys, stored in the urinary bladder then excreted in the urethra. The normal color of urine ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. A colorless urine may indicate that a person may have been drinking too much water. Urine pigment is due to the urobilin or urochrome—a pigment that is thought to give the urine its color. A normal color of the urine tells a lot about the kidney and liver function of a person. Continue reading

What causes Candidiasis?

A pathogen is a microorganism that causes a disease. An opportunistic pathogen is one that exists harmlessly as part of the normal flora of the human body and does not become a threat until the body’s immune system fails or is disturbed. Candida albicans is considered an opportunistic pathogen. Continue reading

What Causes Skin Dryness?

Skin dryness is extremely common and a lot of factors cause this. Dry skin can be caused by genetics, diseases, dry air, long exposure to water, skin care products, tight clothing, hot showers,  and medications. A dry skin can be uncomfortable and unpleasant to the eyes. To make matters most, it can be really itching and disturbing. Having dry skin has a lot to tell about your nutritional status, body stress, fluid balance and lifestyle. Our skin is soft and supple because of tiny structures such as glands that lubricate and protect our skin. These protect our skin from dryness and cracking and also has a bactericidal effect that is why sweating is a also a protective mechanism of our body to maintain hydration of the body and skin. Proper hydration also is imperative to make our skin look and feel supple and smooth.  Continue reading

The 3 Layers of the Skin : Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue

The skin is the outer covering of the human body. It is the largest organ system of the body. No matter how you think of it, the skin is very important. It covers and protects the insides of our body and has many other functions such as providing a anatomical barrier from pathogens and damage between internal organs. It also helps the body maintain a normal temperature. Its pigments protect us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. We also get the natural vitamin D from the sun through our skin. Continue reading

How does a Wound Heal?

What is a wound? A wound is type of injury to the skin in which the skin is cut open or had a blunt trauma wherein the wound is inside the skin. It can be an open or a closed wound. In the classification of an open wound, the skin may be abraded, torn, cut or punctured. In the case of a closed wound, wherein the skin is not open because it is caused of a blunt trauma, there could be a contusion or a hematoma or bruising. A hematoma is a sign that there is an internal bleeding which can be mild or hemorrhage. Continue reading

MSG Symptom Complex: Not an allergy!

Food additives make food experience a lot tastier, more aromatic, more colorful or more nutritious. A well known food flavor enhancer is the monosodium glutamate or MSG. It is a food additive that is widely used in the whole world. Continue reading

Perils of Eating Disorder: Bulimia Nervosa

Eating disorders can be very horrible and little known to people but extreme dieting can lead to other serious problems and even death. Statistics show that an estimated 5 million people in the United States, primarily girls and women, suffer from the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia. Continue reading

Does Vitamin C Really Prevent Common Colds?

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid generally works as an antioxidant. It is popularly known to boost up the immune system of the body for protection from several diseases and infections. As they say, “Prevention is better than cure.” Most households have vitamin C supplements and regularly intake ascorbic acid pills in addition to the vitamin C that they get from the food they eat. Continue reading

miami-j collar

Types of Cervical Collars

A cervical collar or a neck brace is an orthopedic brace that is used to support the cervical spine and the head. This is used to protect the neck after an injury to prevent further injury and for therapeutic purposes to relieve pain. It helps in realignment of the cervical vertebrae to prevent further injury. There are many types of cervical collars in the market for different indications. Cervical collars are also used to immobilize and relieve pain of strain and sprain injury to the neck part. These types will be discussed in detail but before anything else, it is paramount to know the importance of the cervical spine and its function to know the importance of using a neck brace for support. Cervical collars are also used to protect the neck during transport and from moving a patient suffering neck injury from one bed to another. Continue reading


Daily Caloric Intake for a Pregnant Woman

Before pregnancy, women should have normal body weights. This is to ensure well-being of the pregnant mother and for the healthy development of the fetus. This is the same reason why couples need to plan for a pregnancy—not only financially or emotionally but more importantly, physically. Continue reading