Acne has always been an annoying and embarrassing problem. Many women suffer from acne break outs even when they are pregnant. If you are one of these challenged women, then your immediate move is to ask a doctor what to do about it.

Acne has always been an annoying and embarrassing problem. Many women suffer from acne break outs even when they are pregnant. If you are one of these challenged women, then your immediate move is to ask a doctor what to do about it.
Your skin is the ultimate proof of physical beauty. It is also a testimony of how good you take care of yourself. But aside from this obvious fact, your skin is also your body’s first line of defense against the elements around you. That is why you take care of it so much. Usually, people purchase and apply various reagents and preparations that are said to improve the condition of the skin. It may be true that the skin is a physical barrier of your body but it also absorbs every single chemical that you are simply exposed to or apply on it everyday.
Our skin has its natural way of healing its own wounds by undergoing a few processes such as coagulation, inflammation, fibroplasia and wound remodeling. What people hate most are scar formations after skin trauma. Never have we seen a model, showcasing a keloid on the ramp. For many people, scars greatly affect the way that they dress due to self-perception and self-esteem. Nobody wants to have scars and a keloid is a nightmare. Continue reading
Almost everyone has experienced acne at some point in his or her life. Battles with acne results to acne scars that tend to remind you that you have fallen victim to this very embarrassing skin disorder. With the normal cell repair that your skin undergoes, acne scars could disappear but this could take months or years to happen. If you want to get rid of them a lot faster, you go to a dermatologist. Some people are very private about this aspect of their lives, so they would rather treat the mild acne scars that only require time and patience in the privacy of your own home. It may take a bit longer than the treatments that your skin doctor may give you but with persistence and dedication, you could make it happen.
Acne has long been a problem for so many people since the onset of puberty. It is a result of hormone fluctuations in teenagers. Puberty is like a bomb that explodes. The casualties are seen on the skin with all the acne breakouts that the teen experiences. But when puberty is over, why do some adult still have acne? Why do they still have sudden acne breakouts like when they were teenagers?
The skin is the outer covering of the human body. It is the largest organ system of the body. No matter how you think of it, the skin is very important. It covers and protects the insides of our body and has many other functions such as providing a anatomical barrier from pathogens and damage between internal organs. It also helps the body maintain a normal temperature. Its pigments protect us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. We also get the natural vitamin D from the sun through our skin. Continue reading
What is a wound? A wound is type of injury to the skin in which the skin is cut open or had a blunt trauma wherein the wound is inside the skin. It can be an open or a closed wound. In the classification of an open wound, the skin may be abraded, torn, cut or punctured. In the case of a closed wound, wherein the skin is not open because it is caused of a blunt trauma, there could be a contusion or a hematoma or bruising. A hematoma is a sign that there is an internal bleeding which can be mild or hemorrhage. Continue reading
Eating disorders can be very horrible and little known to people but extreme dieting can lead to other serious problems and even death. Statistics show that an estimated 5 million people in the United States, primarily girls and women, suffer from the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia. Continue reading
Acne problems vary in degree from person to person. But no matter how simple or how complicated they are, they always start from blackheads. Blackheads are comedones that are open. They have slightly larger openings than normal follicles. These openings are filled with plugs of bacteria, dead skin cells, and sebum. The oil or sebum plugs have oxidized melanin that happens at the surface, that is why blackheads are slightly darker or “blackishâ€â€”thus, the name.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a chronic disease in which food or liquid contents from the stomach (gastric contents) regurgitate as reflux to the esophagus. Some degree of back-flow of gastric or duodenal contents into the esophagus is normal in both adults and children but excessive reflux occurs due to incompetent lower esophageal sphincter (LES) or the opening from the esophagus going to the stomach. GERD can also be caused by pyloric stenosis, or motility disorder wherein the gastric emptying time of the stomach contents to the duodenum is slower than the normal. GERD can also be caused by impaired digestion and infection such as peptic ulcer. Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be transient or permanent in nature. Continue reading