Category Archives: Aging

4 Commonly Prescribed Alzheimer’s Drugs

Old age catches up with us as we go on in years. Physical and mental weakness are only to be expected. Among the illnesses that arise with age is Alzheimer’s disease. This goes beyond deterioration in memory. This encompasses an elderly person’s difficulties in normal activities such as social interactions, work, reasoning, thinking, learning, and communicating. This even makes the patient have difficulty in recognizing a friend or a loved one. Continue reading


Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Approaches in Pain Management

What Is Pain?

Everyone had experienced pain in their life. Pain comes in many different forms. The perception and tolerance of pain vary widely from individuals and to cultures. Some people may have higher pain tolerance than others. Pain can be synonymous to suffering for many people. Pain is a sensation that hurts. It can be really hard to describe pain as it varies from individuals. A pain can be stabbing, sudden, intermittent, throbbing, pinching, or aching. Pain can be acute or chronic. Pain can be mild, moderate or severe. Assessment of pain is vital to treatment and management.

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10 Things That Happen After a Stroke

A stroke is a kind of brain injury that may happen in various areas of the brain. It is more common in older adults, who are about 65 years-old and above. There are two types of stroke—ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke is when the blood vessels are blocked and oxygenated blood is prevented from reaching the brain and this causes damage. Hemorrhagic stroke is when the blood vessels in the brain rupture or burst because of fragility or extreme high blood pressure. This causes damage to the brain tissues because the oxygenated blood does not circulate in the brain anymore.

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Top 15 Fat Burning Foods to Keep in Stock


In every diet regimen that you come across, fat is always the target enemy. It is always the main concern of all diet experts when they come up with various diet programs. The main reason for this is because fat is what everything transforms to when taken in excess. Proteins, carbohydrates, and even fat itself turn into fat, once you take in more than the recommended amounts and not do anything to burn that excess off.

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Top 7 Secret Truths About the Fight Against Aging


Health and beauty are considered the key point s that have to be well-maintained in your life. If you have optimal health, it radiates and interprets into external beauty. If you are beautiful and glowing on the outside, that means that inside, you are healthy. Making sure that you are always healthy and beautiful really takes the toll on most people. You have to admit, paying attention to your own body means that you should really take the time and effort in making the right choices. It may even mean that you would have to make big changes in the way you live if you have to. But what happens when time catches up with you and you still want to take control over the inevitable? What if you decide to fight against the natural process of aging?

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What Makes Shen Min An Ideal Supplement for Your Hair and Skin?


Physical appearance is very important. The way you project and carry yourself in a crowd immediately tells people of your health status. The way you look also shows people how well you take care of yourself. These are the reasons why you should always make it a point to practice proper hygiene and also, to pamper yourself every once-in-a while. Stress tends to manifest in the condition of your hair and skin.

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Palliative Care: The Myths and Misconceptions

Palliative care is an integral part of medicine. However, it is commonly misinterpreted by the public which includes the patients and their families. Unfortunately medical students and even doctors are also misled by the misconception about palliative care which further deteriorates the scenario.  Most people come to know the term palliative care as merely a form of pain management given to those with an incurable disease. While this is true, palliative care is so much more than that. Continue reading