What if you stop smoking at this very moment? Have you ever thought about the benefits it could cause to your body, to society, and to the environment? Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is a cool thing. Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is legal indoors. Continue reading
Category Archives: Allergy
6 Easy-to-Find Natural Remedies For Eczema
Even if you take good care of your skin very well, there will always be times when skin conditions will appear all of a sudden. Eczema is one of the most common skin ailments that affect so many people. There are a few types of this skin condition that have to be very well distinguished first before they get treated properly. Atopic eczema is the genetic type that is very itchy and affects both adults and infants. Dishydrotic eczema is an isolated type that affects the hands or the feet. It is very severe and when the blisters burst, is very painful. Nummular eczema is widespread already. You have to keep your skin very well-moisturized to prevent this type of eczema.
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma Attacks, Yet Again.
Asthma is one of those common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that causes airway hyperresponsiveness, mucosal edema, and mucus production. This hyperresponsiveness and inflammation ultimately leads to recurrent episodes of asthma symptoms which are cough, chest tightness, wheezing, and difficulty of breathing (dyspnea). Asthma is different from other obstructive pulmonary diseases in that it is largely reversible. This can be reversible either spontaneously or with treatment. People suffering from asthma may have asthma symptom-free episodes alternating with acute exacerbations, which can be very dangerous too. Acute exacerbations can last from minutes to days. Continue reading
Dry Skin on Hands and Feet
Everyday, we touch, move and do many things with our hands and feet. We become productive with our hands and feet. Little as we know, they are the busiest parts of the body and often times are subjected to many harmful things in the environment. Our hands and feet also need caring and pampering. Most people would want to have flawless hands and feet despite them being subjected to many activities in our daily lives. Continue reading
9 Known Natural Remedies for Allergies to Pollen from Trees
When you’re allergic to pollen, it could really be very frustrating. Pollen could easily be inhaled because it could be carried by the wind, your skin, clothes, or even pets. Allergy to pollen is also known as nasal allergy, seasonal allergy, or allergic rhinitis. One type of pollen allergy is tree pollen allergy.
Contact Dermatitis: Irritant and Allergic types
Do you have an extreme sensitivity to a stimulation of any kind? How does it annoy you? What is your response with the irritating object or situation? Do bra straps or stockings make your shoulders or thighs itch? Does your skin exhibit signs of extreme sensitivity to a type of hair product? Exhibiting signs of dermatitis? Continue reading
15 Methods That Show How an Effective Natural Nasal Decongestant Works
Nasal congestion is usually brought about by upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) or allergic reactions. Some causes are the extreme weather, viral infections, allergens, and even environmental stressors. These result to inflammation in the nasal cavity, thus congestion that makes it very difficult for you to breathe. Other symptoms like eye puffiness, dark circles around the eyes, itchy nose, runny nose, stuffy nose, sniffles, wheezing, bronchitis, hives, eczema, and asthma tend to accompany nasal congestion.
10 Easy-To-Do Homeopathic Methods of Natural Mold Allergy Treatment and Prevention
There are so many people who get affected by allergens all their lives. Some go instantly haywire in the presence of dander, pollen, smoke, and fumes. One of the most common allergies that you may have is mold allergy. Mold allergy is usually seen as a chronic condition that may be battled by those affected for years. Temporary relief by decongestants and antihistamines are just taken so that activities of daily living may be done.
4 Commonly Used Natural Herbal Remedies for Allergies
Allergies happen regularly to most people. When your allergies attack, routines are disrupted and activities are postponed. You can go somewhere and get involved in gatherings but once the allergens get into your system, your day gets ruined. Most of the time, people with allergies have their prescribed or over-the-counter allergy medications in their pockets to help them control their irritating allergy symptoms. In return for using these allergy medications, the people suffer from side effects such as irritation of the nasal cavity and drowsiness. Another thing is that these medications can be expensive to maintain everyday.
4 Categorized Facts About Lodrane 24
Allergies, cold, and hay fever are common problems for a lot of people from all walks of life, all over the world. It is very annoying when they attack and they do significantly disrupt the activities of daily living. These allergic reactions manifest themselves through runny nose, sneezing, itchiness, watery eyes, and rashes, which obviously do not translate to a very pleasant way of living. These symptoms should be stopped so that you may be able to continue with your normal activities everyday.