Category Archives: Back Pain

ADHD Diet In Children Tips

If your child has ADHD, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) one of the most important things to look after is diet and nutrition. Just like any other kid, your child needs essential nutrients for his activities of daily living. A child with ADHD may have special needs. Parents, teachers and health care providers of children with this condition needs to be aware of the foods  that will help the child in his daily living. Continue reading

Foods Containing Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Niacin, as well as the B vitamins such as thiamine and riboflavin has as huge role in the energy metabolism of every cell of the body. Niacin is one of the main essential nutrients that the body needs for good overall function. Eating a well balanced diet will provide sufficient levels of niacin. A lot of foods can provide adequate amounts of niacin that you need in your everyday. You do not really need to drink niacin supplements to achieve that. Supplements should only be used for deficiencies of niacin in the body and for therapeutic purposes in case of diseases. Continue reading

Urinary Tract Infections in Children

The urinary system is also known as the excretory system. The urinary system is consisted of two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder and the urethra. The function of the urinary system is to produce, store and excrete urine and waste products from the body Continue reading

Vital Facts About Nerve Pain in Hip

Mobility is very important. If you can move with ease, you could accomplish so many tasks everyday. Your hips play a vital part in your overall movement. The joint of your hips is the one that attached your legs to your torso. Pain in that part of the body often comes from the hip joint but it could also arise from the parts that surround it.

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Adiponectin (also referred to as GBP-28, apM1, AdipoQ and Acrp30) is a protein which in humans is encoded by the ADIPOQ gene. Continue reading

37 Week Fetus and Pregnancy

Congratulations! Oh mother, your baby is now considered a full term baby, even though your due date is three weeks away.  Only five percent of babies are born on their due date. Most babies won’t be coming for three to five more weeks for first time mothers but if your baby decides to come out now, his lungs will most likely be ready to breathe on his own outside the womb. The baby has already passed the 6th month of gestation wherein the lungs become mature enough to produce surfactant—the fluid that prevents tension in the lungs. The baby is now very much welcome to the world. Hush, because the baby may be ready to come out anytime soon. A little patience will do the trick. Continue reading

The 12th Week of Pregnancy: What Every Woman Should Expect

Finally, at the end part of the first trimester of pregnancy, two more to go! Now that you have arrived the 12th week of pregnancy, you may notice that your body is showing the world, in pride that you are really pregnant. Most women are finally showing their bump at the twelfth month. This bump may not be a big, prominent one, but you and the people around you can finally see the difference.  Congratulations and celebrate it! Continue reading

Treatments for Nerve Irritation

Do you experience tingling sensations and numbness, it is usually related to nerve irritation or damage. When your nerve is irritated, it may be caused by either being pinched or trapped. Nerve pinching or impingement is a very common condition wherein the nerve in the spine is being compressed between two spinal vertebrae. An overgrowth of bone or a protruding disc may be pressing on the nerve. A trapped nerve is a nerve that adheres to the soft tissues that surrounds it which includes the fascia, ligaments, and muscles.

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Kinds of Nerve Pain Medication

Pain is not easy to endure. It could really interfere with your daily activities and even  prevent you from enjoying life. These days, there are already so many ways to ease pain. Varieties of nerve pain medication are prescribed and used to manage and control pain discomfort. So pain that is caused by shingles, HIV, cancer, injuries, or any other underlying disease can now be remedied.

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6 Treatments for Lumbar Back Pain

Lumbar part of the body is commonly found in the abdominal part of the torso between the pelvis and diaphragm. The lumbar region is also known as lower spine or part of the lower back thus, the pain related to lumbar area is known as lumbar back pain. Continue reading