The cause of anorexia nervosa is not fully understood. It is thought to develop from a mix of physical, emotional, and social triggers. Continue reading

The cause of anorexia nervosa is not fully understood. It is thought to develop from a mix of physical, emotional, and social triggers. Continue reading
“Am I pregnant?†That is the first question that pops up when you miss your menstruation, especially when you have a regular cycle. Due to this, many pregnancy testing kits have been available in every drugstore with a wide range of brands and cheaper prices to choose from. Many times, we have a negative pregnancy test result but still, we do not menstruate. This becomes an automatic question when a person is expecting to be pregnant but what are the other reasons why a woman may have a missed period or a delayed menstruation? Don’t be too much alarmed. Although pregnancy is the most common cause for a missed period, pregnancy cannot be automatically confirmed overnight. You also need a couple of things like blood test, a pregnancy test, or an ultrasound to have it confirmed. The age of information technology made us all want to have instant answers and instant everything’s but it always pays to be patient and knowledge is the key.  Here are some of the causes why you miss having a period. Continue reading
People nowadays want to look slimmer. Everybody wants to have an ideal body weight. To many people, fashion dictates what weight they should be in. Slimmer people are thought to be sexier, have more choices on what to wear, have better self-esteem, and most importantly, more attractive and happy in their lives. The definition of being sexy differs from one race and culture to another. People have different perspectives about how they look and feel. Continue reading
In February of this year, First Lady Michelle Obama presented her ambitious Let’s Move campaign to battle the terrifying childhood obesity epidemic. Lady Obama was inspired not only from her family and children’s lifestyle, but also by some startling obesity statistics that have been gathered by medical researchers over the past thirty years. A child is considered obese if their BMI (Body Mass Index) is 30 or higher, and this BMI level in anyone, especially children has the potential to cause very severe health issues. Continue reading
Most people cringe when having to face any calorie counting diet, but a 1,200 calorie glycemic index diet offers a pleasant range of options. Keep in mind, with a low glycemic index (or GI) diet you’re inducing your body to burn calories during the digestive process and to burn stored fat at the same time. The glycemic index, or GI, measures the potential effect a carbohydrate has on your blood sugar level. The higher a food scores on the GI, the faster your body will produce glucose and the higher you blood sugar level will rise. The GI can be a useful weight loss tool when combined with a low-calorie diet and exercise program. Continue reading
Maybe you have heard the recent guidelines about walking 10,000 steps per day. How far is 10,000 steps anyway? The average person’s stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles. Continue reading
When you eat, you have to burn the calories and fats that you take in. There are people who metabolize fast but there are some who metabolize much slower than others. If you metabolize at an increased pace, you are said to be gifted because you stay thin and slim even if you eat what you like at any amount. Those who have slow metabolism see eating as a problem because even if they eat little and exercise a lot, they have a hard time burning the fats and calories that they take in.
Excess weight has always been a problem for most people especially when sedentary living is prevalent and healthy living is neglected. To solve this fast-growing health problem, people resort to crazy diets and even surgery to get rid of all that fat. As a healthier option, a healthy diet, portion control, and regular exercise are the best means to gain and maintain your ideal weight. When it comes to food, you have to remember to go for high fiber and high protein with vitamins and minerals. When it comes to activities, you just have to make sure that every movement is regular.
As the standards of health rise, more and more people resort to alternative medicine for their organic ingredients. Scientific researchers continue to discover and develop many plants so that they may be able to harness their health benefits.