Category Archives: Cancer

How Natural Vitamin C Can Change Your Life and Overall Health

Maybe you are wondering why vitamin C or ascorbic acid is very well known. It is one of the most common antioxidants that naturally occur in vegetables and fruits that you eat. Ascorbic acid helps your body get rid of all the free radicals that your body acquires from day-to-day exposure to stress and the elements. Basically, you need vitamin C for a stronger, more protected body.

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How Natural Treatment For Basal Cell Carcinoma Heal You Faster

Skin cancer is a skin condition that many people develop these days. This is because of many people still do not protect themselves properly when they decide to spend some time under the sun. Even if skin cancer is not life threatening, it is still acquired by so many people almost at epidemic level.

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4 Steps in Fighting Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer is a kind of cancer that starts in the uterus.  Uterus is the pelvic organ in women which has a pear-shaped and the place where the fetal development takes place.  Endometrial cancer normally starts in the layer of the cells forming the lining of the uterus or also known as endometrium.  Endometrial cancer is also called uterine cancer.  There are other types of cancer that can develop in the uterus but the most common type is the endometrial cancer. Continue reading

Abdominal cancer

Abdominal cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when there is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in the abdomen, the area between the lower chest and the groin. The abdomen consists of many organs, including the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, esophagus, and numerous blood vessels. Abdominal cancer is a general term for a variety of cancers. Continue reading

5 cancer fighting foods

As researchers continue to wage war against cancer, many have begun to focus on what could be the most promising ammunition to date: diet.

“The easiest, least-expensive way to reduce your risk for cancer is just by eating a healthy diet,” says Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon, PhD, MPH, RD, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute.

When it comes to a diet rich in cancer-fighting substances, most experts agree that it should consist of a predominantly plant-based diet. “If you have two-thirds of plant food on your plate, that seems to be enough to avoid excessive amounts of food high in saturated fat,” says Karen Collins, RD, nutritional advisor for the American Institute for Cancer Research. Continue reading

7 signs of cancer

In its early stages, cancer usually has no symptoms, but eventually a malignant tumor will grow large enough to be detected. As it continues to grow, it may press on nerves and produce pain, penetrate blood vessels and cause bleeding, or interfere with the function of a body organ or system.

To remember the seven early warning signs of cancer (as designated by the American Cancer Society), think of the word CAUTION: Continue reading

3 stages of cancer development

Cancer is a devastating and potentially fatal disease that develops when healthy cells undergo a genetic change and begin to proliferate rapidly and uncontrollably. What happens to cause a cell to become cancerous? Thirty years ago, scientists could not offer a coherent answer to this question. They knew that cancer arose from cells that began to proliferate uncontrollably within the body, and they knew that chemicals, radiation, and viruses could trigger this change. But exactly how it happened was a mystery. Continue reading

3 types of skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays are the most common cause of the disease. This prolonged exposure then causes the skin cells to grow in a rapid, out of control way ultimately leading to the formation of a cancerous tumour on the skin. In fact over 1,000,000 people are affected each year. They mostly arise from the upper layer of the skin – epidermis. However, skin cancers may develop anywhere on the skin, including the scalp, lips or under-nail skin. Continue reading

Nicotine Patches to Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking can be really addictive and can become habit forming. Bad habits don’t change overnight. Quitting is a difficult task. The cold-turkey stage can be a tremendous nightmare. Many substance abusers often go back to zero. We all know that cigarette smoking is one of the many causes of death due to cardiac diseases, pulmonary diseases and several cancers. Cigarette smoking predisposes a person to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Hypertension, heart attacks and strokes are results of unhealthy lifestyles. Cessation of tobacco smoking results in a lower rate of cardiac events. A positive attitude is most likely needed in order to achieve good outcomes in quitting. Participating in an educational class, support group, or behavioral program can gradually change your habits and outlooks in life and health. Continue reading

Morbid Obesity Health Problems

People nowadays want to look slimmer. Everybody wants to have an ideal body weight. To many people, fashion dictates what weight they should be in. Slimmer people are thought to be sexier, have more choices on what to wear, have better self-esteem, and most importantly, more attractive and happy in their lives. The definition of being sexy differs from one race and culture to another. People have different perspectives about how they look and feel. Continue reading