Category Archives: Cancer

2010 breast cancer facts and figures

The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 2.5 million women with a history of breast cancer were alive in January 2006. Most of these individuals were cancer-free, while others still had evidence of cancer and may have been undergoing treatment. Continue reading

2010 FIGO endometrial cancer staging

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging systems for vulva, cervix, endometrium, and sarcomas have been revised for the first time in over a decade. The purpose of the staging system is to provide uniform terminology for better communication among health professionals and to provide appropriate prognosis to the patients which results in treatment improvement. This is a constantly evolving process as new therapeutic modalities are developed, new imaging and surgical approaches are applied, and more prognostic information becomes available. The previous system did not reflect the prognosis in some patient subsets where medical research and practice have shown explosive growth of new knowledge in recent years.  Continue reading

5 Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a growth of malignant cells in the colon or also known as large intestine which is located at the lower part of digestive system.  The majority cases of colon cancer start with a little and noncancerous mass of cells known as adenomatous polyps.  As it progresses some of these polyps turn out to be colon cancers. Continue reading

What If You Stop Smoking Now?

What if you stop smoking at this very moment? Have you ever thought about the benefits it could cause to your body, to society, and to the environment? Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is a cool thing. Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is legal indoors. Continue reading

5 Most Helpful Home Remedies for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is the malignant growth of the plasma cells, a kind of white blood cell in the bone marrow.  Plasma cells are the one generally responsible in producing proteins known as antibodies to fight against any infections or diseases.  Multiple myeloma develops when a cluster of plasma cells also known as myeloma cells turn out to be cancerous and reproduces, increasing the amount of plasma cells to a higher than usual level. Continue reading

5 Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Liver is considered as one of the major and largest organ of the human body.  It has a reddish brown color separated into four lobes with uneven shape and size.  The liver is located on the right part of the opening of abdominal below the diaphragm.  Liver has two large blood vessels, the hepatic artery and the portal vein wherein the blood is carried through.  Continue reading

5 Valuable Facts About Lobular Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is a condition that has long afflicted so many women around the world. Like other cancers, it causes so many difficulties when it comes to physical coping, treatments, and finances. This is brought about by so many factors and may lead to complications if not given the proper attention.

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7 Need-To-Know Pointers in Living with HPV

The human papillomavirus or HPV is said to be one of the most common sexually transmitted infections these days. Both men and women are affected by more than 40 kinds of HPVs that could affect the genitals, throat, and mouth. Like other sexually transmitted viruses, HPV could infect anyone without them knowing about it, much like HIV or herpes. Even if the sexual partner doesn’t manifest signs and symptoms, HPV could be transmitted through direct genital contact, oral sex, and anal sex. Considering this, a person may be infected by several types of HPV. A baby can get HPV in the form of JORRP (juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis) upon delivery but it is very rare.

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Colon Cancer: Look Before You Flush!

Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, especially among the developed countries where food is readily available and affordable. Not too worry, however, colon cancer is treatable with good prognosis if detected early. Hence, let us take a closer look on what is colon cancer, how to identify risk factors, early signs and symptoms.

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8 Prescription Medications Included in the List of Chemotherapy Drugs for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a condition that primarily affects the prostate gland. This is a very small structure, the size of a walnut that is located at the upper portion of the male reproductive system. It also surrounds the urethra. Men over the age of seventy five die because of prostate cancer. Those who are at high risk in developing prostate cancer at any age are African-American men; all men that are above sixty years of age; men who have a family history of the cancer; men who are alcoholics; men who are exposed to gent orange; painters; tire plant workers; men who have cadmium exposure; and men who eat high amounts of animal fat. Studies show that prostate cancer is more prevalent in men who eat red meat. It also occurs less in those who are vegetarians. Men who have BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia does not increase the risk of acquiring prostate cancer.

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