Category Archives: Diet

How A Natural Tummy Tuck Massage Can Be Very Effective

Ever wondered why your tummy remains bulgy even after a very rigorous training at the gym or with your personal trainer that lasted for months already? Abdominal fat is considered as one of the most difficult areas to strip of fat. It is where most of your visceral organs are found so the cushion effect of the fat deposits are only to be expected and held on to tightly. Continue reading

How Natural Treatment For Yeast Infection Can Make You Live Worry-Free

Candida albicans is a yeast species that naturally grows in the vaginal area. There are factors that make the normal yeast population to over proliferate and then yeast infection develops. Some symptoms are vaginal irritation, intense itching, intense burning, cheesy white discharge, and redness in the vaginal area.

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8 Fool Proof Methods of Natural Treatment For High Blood Pressure


It is already a known fact that more and more people develop elevated blood pressure or hypertension at any given age already. This is a saddening condition that is faced by so many individuals, families, and institutions every single day.

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How Natural THC Detox Methods Can Help You Get Your Health Back

If you have taken marijuana then you have tetrahydrocannabinol in your system. This chemical compound that is active in Cannabis sativa (marijuana) is known to be psychoactive. It gives you a certain high that influences your thoughts and behavior. Getting rid of THC from your body takes a few days but it can be done.

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12 Effective Natural Stomach Fat Burners that Could Change Your Life

Losing weight has long been part of most people’s lives. It is already a lifelong struggle to get rid of stubborn stomach fat. It is said that the fat in that specific area of the body is really very difficult to eliminate. Most of the time, working out is not enough.

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How Natural Slimming Can Almost Be an Everyday Thing

Weight. It is a word, figure, statistical data, number, and aspect of your life that is very stressful  when you take your time to think about it. It is seen as the main basis of health, whatever condition it may be. It is really not easy to accept the fact that you gain weight easily but have a difficult time losing it. Many people resort to taking fat-dissolving tablets and even radical surgery just to eliminate the excess weight that makes their lives very complicated.

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Morbid Obesity Health Problems

People nowadays want to look slimmer. Everybody wants to have an ideal body weight. To many people, fashion dictates what weight they should be in. Slimmer people are thought to be sexier, have more choices on what to wear, have better self-esteem, and most importantly, more attractive and happy in their lives. The definition of being sexy differs from one race and culture to another. People have different perspectives about how they look and feel. Continue reading

2010 childhood obesity facts

In February of this year, First Lady Michelle Obama presented her ambitious Let’s Move campaign to battle the terrifying childhood obesity epidemic. Lady Obama was inspired not only from her family and children’s lifestyle, but also by some startling obesity statistics that have been gathered by medical researchers over the past thirty years. A child is considered obese if their BMI (Body Mass Index) is 30 or higher, and this BMI level in anyone, especially children has the potential to cause very severe health issues. Continue reading

1200 calorie low glycemic diet plan

Most people cringe when having to face any calorie counting diet, but a 1,200 calorie glycemic index diet offers a pleasant range of options. Keep in mind, with a low glycemic index (or GI) diet you’re inducing your body to burn calories during the digestive process and to burn stored fat at the same time. The glycemic index, or GI, measures the potential effect a carbohydrate has on your blood sugar level. The higher a food scores on the GI, the faster your body will produce glucose and the higher you blood sugar level will rise. The GI can be a useful weight loss tool when combined with a low-calorie diet and exercise program. Continue reading

1500 calorie diabetic diet

A 1500 calorie diabetic diet means eating no more than 1500 calories of food each day. You may need this diet to control your blood sugar or lose weight. Or lower your risk for heart problems.

  • Blood sugar is the amount of glucose (simple sugar) in your blood. Glucose is the main source of energy for your body. Glucose comes from carbohydrates in your diet.
  • A diabetic diet limits how much carbohydrate, fat, and protein you eat. A 1500 calorie diet is low in calories and fat. Continue reading