Category Archives: Diet

What Makes Natural Prenatal Vitamins Ideal for Your Pregnancy?

Finally! You’re pregnant! Another life pulsates in your womb and you just can’t wait to welcome your new baby into this world. Pregnancy in general takes time and good preparation. You get to go shopping for pregnancy clothes and baby paraphernalia. This really fuels the excitement of your pregnancy. One of the preparations that you need to do is to take prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins may be taken even before you actually get pregnant. But it is usually included in your diet from the start of conception.

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Healthy Low Purine Diet for Gout

Low purine diet for gout is a meal plan that restricts foods that are high in purine content. Purine is normally produced by body and is present in some foods. When body digests purine, it will produce uric acid. Normally, uric acid is flash out through urine but those patients who have gout arthritis should limit their intake of foods with high purine to avoid the build up of uric acid in their joints.  Too much uric acid may result to swelling, sore and gout pain. Continue reading

7 Accessible Natural Metabolism Boosters

When you eat, you have to burn the calories and fats that you take in. There are people who metabolize fast but there are some who metabolize much slower than others. If you metabolize at an increased pace, you are said to be gifted because you stay thin and slim even if you eat what you like at any amount. Those who have slow metabolism see eating as a problem because even if they eat little and exercise a lot, they have a hard time burning the fats and calories that they take in.

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9 of the Best and Safest Natural Laxatives For Pregnant Women

Normally, your uterus does not compress your colon. When a woman gets pregnant, her uterus expands. When this happens, pressure is constantly applied to your large intestine and rectum. This impedes the normal contraction of that part of your digestive tract. This results to constipation, wherein you cannot defecate. This is accompanied by constant urination because the expanded uterus also compresses the urinary bladder. When you’re pregnant and you urinate a lot, very little water is reabsorbed in your colon. This event also contributes in your constipation as well.

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What Causes a Dark Colored Urine?

The kidney functions as the body’s main excretory organ. It eliminates the body’s metabolic wastes. Urine is formed in the kidneys, stored in the urinary bladder then excreted in the urethra. The normal color of urine ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. A colorless urine may indicate that a person may have been drinking too much water. Urine pigment is due to the urobilin or urochrome—a pigment that is thought to give the urine its color. A normal color of the urine tells a lot about the kidney and liver function of a person. Continue reading

9 Pointers in Natural Heartburn Relief

When you speak of heartburn, you speak of a digestive condition that is very uncomfortable because of that burning sensation in the area of the chest. This is just called a “heart”burn because it happens in the upper area of the stomach. It is not influenced by your heart. It is caused by the reflux of stomach acid.

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6 Items in the List of Natural Cure Type 2 Diabetes

Type II diabetes affects so many people around the world especially in the US. As you know, sugar is the source of energy for cells in your body. Insulin is the hormone produced by the alpha cells in the pancreas that enables the sugar to enter the cells from your blood. When you have Type II diabetes, your cells are either very resistant to insulin’s effects or your pancreas doesn’t give enough insulin.

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6 Valuable Guidelines If You’re Living with One Kidney

As you know, humans are created with two kidneys. Apparently, having two kidneys is enough to filter the human body of all the waste products that it generates in its entire existence. It is pretty challenging to maintain two kidneys already in terms of modifying your lifestyle and diet especially when you are diagnosed with a kidney-related disease. Have you ever thought of what it takes for some people to maintain one kidney?

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7 Important Tips in Living with Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a disorder of the digestive tract that targets the rectum and the large intestines. It is very difficult to accept that you have such a disorder because this could really affect your way of life. Ulcerative colitis is manifested through blood-tinged, very sudden, and very frequent diarrhea, which is often accompanied by cramping of the abdomen.

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13 Important Nutrients in the List of Vitamins You Should Take

One’ s health always comes first.  In securing good health,  vitamins need to be regularly taken. Vitamins could be obtained through the foods that you eat or though prepared  supplementations. Most of the vitamins in food are often deteriorated even before you consume them. You already lose the nutrients just by washing meats, fruits and vegetables. The more the food undergoes processing, the lesser the amount of vitamins that’s left for you.

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