Category Archives: Hypertension

How Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure Work For You

Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is already a common condition that so many people have these days. It is known as the disease that remains silent because you may be unaware that you already have it because you don’t have the symptoms showing. You may experience headaches, nosebleeds, and dizziness when you have hypertension.

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What If You Stop Smoking Now?

What if you stop smoking at this very moment? Have you ever thought about the benefits it could cause to your body, to society, and to the environment? Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is a cool thing. Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is legal indoors. Continue reading

Constipation Remedies During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences several changes in her body. Along with the many changes happening in the woman’s body are some discomforts and special needs. Both the health of the mother and her child needs care and attention. A healthy pregnant woman should achieve homeostasis or balance as a non-pregnant woman should. Prevention of any disease is always better than cure.

One of the common problems encountered during pregnancy is the problem in elimination of bowels. It is a common problem but doesn’t mean that every pregnant woman should undergo this burden. Continue reading

hypertension pathophysiology diagnosis and management

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the term hypertension as, “a persistent elevation of the systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg.” The blood vessel type that is being measured in this case is the arterial pressure. When systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated, this indicates that the heart is working harder than it should to be able to pump the blood throughout the whole body. The normal value of blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg in adults.

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7 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a kind of elevated blood pressure which has an effect only on the right side of the heart and the arteries in the lungs.  Pulmonary hypertension starts when the capillaries and pulmonary arteries, small arteries in the lungs happen to be narrowed or in worst cases become destroyed.  This will cause difficulty for the blood to flow all the way through the lungs that elevates the pressure inside the arteries of the lungs.  The right ventricle or the lower right chamber of the heart should take more extra effort to pump blood all the way through the lungs when the pressure begins to construct.  This will eventually cause the muscle of the heart to deteriorate until it fails absolutely.  Pulmonary hypertension is considered as a severe disease that develops gradually into a worse condition and at times fatal.  Pulmonary hypertension is incurable disease but there are available treatments that can help to reduce the symptoms and to have a get better life.

What are the types of pulmonary hypertension?

  • The first type is the idiopathic pulmonary hypertension where the primary reason of the high blood pressure in the lungs is not known.  Mostly of the people affected with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, the real cause is unknown but some of the people with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension acquire it genetically.
  • The second one is the secondary pulmonary hypertension.  This is a more frequent type of pulmonary hypertension than the idiopathic one.  This type of pulmonary hypertension occurs when there is an additional health problem.


What could be the causes of secondary pulmonary hypertension?


Unlike idiopathic pulmonary hypertension wherein the real cause is not being recognized, the secondary pulmonary hypertension has several causes and they are the following.


  • There is a presence of blood clots in the lungs.
  • The person affected experience a chronic obstructive pulmonary illness like emphysema.
  • The person experiences a sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.
  • The person affected experience a connective tissue disorders like lupus.
  • Another reason of secondary pulmonary hypertension is the congenital heart disease.
  • The person has cirrhosis, a chronic liver disease.
  • AIDS can also be the cause of having secondary pulmonary hypertension.
  • A person with pulmonary fibrosis, one of the lung illnesses that describes as having of the scars in the tissue between the air sacs of the lungs.
  • A person with a left-sided heart failure.
  • People living at the places with a high altitude of more than 2,438 meters or 8,000 feet.
  • People who climb or hike at places with an altitude of higher than 2,438 meters or 8,000 feet without familiarizing first.
  • People who make use of some stimulant drugs like cocaine.


What are the complications of pulmonary hypertension?


There could be various complications brought by pulmonary hypertension and they are the following.

  • The first complication is the right-sided heart failure or cor pulmonale.  In this case, the right ventricle of the heart develops inflammation and has to pump more than the normal way to carry the blood all the way through the contracted or blocked pulmonary arteries.  Initially, the heart will make an effort to compensate by becoming its walls thickened and by making the chamber of the right ventricle mounted to enhance the quantity of the blood it can hold.  But this will work only in a short period of time and in the long run the right ventricle of the heart will stop working from the added tension.
  • The second complication is the clotting of the blood.  Clot is very helpful from bleeding after a person is being injured.  But occasionally, there are formations of clots that are not needed or required.  There are a lot of small clots or sometimes a few large ones that displace from the veins and pass through to the lungs forming a pulmonary hypertension.  The lungs of a person with pulmonary hypertension is more prone to have clots specifically in the small arteries which can be considered a dangerous condition especially if the blood vessels are already blocked.
  • The third complication is arrhythmia.  Arrhythmia is the irregular heartbeat of the heart that can cause fainting or dizziness, palpitations and can also lead to fatal.
  • The fourth complication is bleeding.  This complication is considered as another fatal because this can lead to the bleeding into the lungs and hemoptysis, coughing up of blood.


What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension?

1.     Shortness of breath

A person affected of pulmonary hypertension experience shortness of breath or dyspnea from the start of performing exercise and even at rest.





2.     Fatigue

A person may experience tiredness or weakness even without exhaustion physical activities.






3.     Chest pain

A person may feel pain or pressure in chest.






4.     Edema

A person may experience swelling in the legs, ankles until it reaches the abdomen.






5.     Discoloration of lips and skin

There is the presence of cyanosis, appearance of the bluish color of the skin and lips.






6.     Racing heartbeat

There is the chasing of heart tremble.






7.     Dizziness

A person may experience dizziness or fainting.






In early stages of pulmonary hypertension, the signs and symptoms may not manifest however as it progresses the symptoms worsen.  Do not hesitate to seek a medical help if you experiencing these signs and symptoms.



14 Recognized Natural Herbs To Help Quit Smoking

For most people, smoking is a habit that is almost impossible to break. Everywhere you look, there are many campaigns against the cessation of this very fatal addiction. Nicotine is a very addictive substance that is present in tobacco products that is why it is very difficult to stop smoking. This compound is used as a stimulant and, years ago, as an insecticide. It is sai that the addiction to nicotine is like addiction to cocaine or heroin.

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10 of the Usual Ailments and Their Natural Healing Remedies That Involve Apple Cider Vinegar

A number of ailments could be relieved with just  common natural healing remedies that you could make yourself. Most of the natural healing remedies involve the use of apple cider vinegar. This is a very potent natural compound that nourishes your body and at the same time, cleanses it is of the pathogenic microrganisms that may be the real cause of your ailment.

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7 Common Conditions in the List of Heart Diseases

Heart diseases have always been contributors to the world population’s demise.  These conditions meddle with the natural functions of the heart. As you know, the heart is your body’s pump. It enables the blood to circulate efficiently throughout your body. The unoxygenated blood gets to gather oxygen molecules from the lungs and the oxygenated blood gets to be circulated to the the different areas of your body.

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10 Well-Known Techniques That Make the List of Alternative Medicine Treatments

A huge smorgasbord of ailments affects so many people from all walks of life worldwide. Of course, prescribed medications by Western physicians are continuously utilized to help treat or correct these conditions. But because of the need for holistic relief and betterment, alternative medicine is already included in most of the treatments of the health disorders. When the approach is said to be holistic, it means that both mental, emotional, and physical aspects. Some patients even entirely rely on these alternative medicine treatments to prevent any chemical impurities from entering their bodies that could possibly aggravate their condition.

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5 Classified Lisinopril Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects

Elevated blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and myocardial infarction can be treated and managed when you know how. Your doctor could really help you deal with the signs and symptoms. Lifestyle changes, diet changes, and medications are the most effective ways to treat hypertension.

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