Category Archives: Hypertension

6 Vital Facts About Lisinopril 10 mg Tablets

There are so many cases of hypertension. Some may be caused by stress, others by diet and lifestyle. Bottom line is that it should be immediately corrected or treated so that complications may be avoided. Hypertension can be very dangerous because it targets the blood vessels. If the pressure in your blood vessels is not right, then circulation is compromised. Oxygenation then becomes insufficient and from there, other disorders may come about.

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Top 7 Benefits of Liquid Fish Oil

Health supplements are getting a lot of attention these days basically because of the increasing awareness to good health and longevity. Many people resort to natural sources of vitamins, minerals and even fatty acids. Liquid fish oil is one of the most sought after natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids [(EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid & (DHA) decosahexaenoic acid]. It is usually in liquid form, which makes it a lot easier and faster to absorb. It also contains a much higher amount of Omega 3 fatty acids as compared with gel or tablet forms of the supplement.

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5 Classified Facts About Lescol XL

Cholesterol per se is not bad for your body at all. In fact, it is needed by your body to form cell membranes and to form vital organs such as the brain and the heart. But there are times when the bad cholesterol overwhelms the good cholesterol (HDL – high density lipoprotein). This should definitely be corrected because this condition will lead to cardiovascular problems.

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4 Concepts to Keep in Mind About High Cholesterol Level

When you hear the word “cholesterol”, you immediately think of heart disease. This is not because cholesterol is harmful per se. It is only harmful when it reaches elevated levels. High cholesterol level in your blood puts you at very high risk of getting heart disease and when it becomes worse, a heart attack may ensue. Cardiovascular diseases cause a high percentage of death in so many countries, especially the United States.

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Top 5 High Protein Diet Risks

Protein is known to make you full longer during weight loss plans. It also facilitates muscle repair and muscle mass increase. These are the main reasons why many people opt for the high protein diet. This diet is also known as the “Drinking Man’s Diet”, “Carbohydrate Counting Diet”, and “Atkin’s Diet”. More animal sources of protein are taken in large amounts with some fruits and vegetables to supply a minimum amount of carbohydrate. The high protein diet runs under the principle that there still has to be a carbohydrate source to provide an immediate energy source. Since the carbohydrates in this diet is only very minimal, then your body will use the stored fats as the energy source. This will enable you to lose much weight.

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11 Known High Blood Pressure Remedies

Hypertension afflicts so many people from all walks of life all over the world. This is known as a traitor disease because some people may have it for years and not manifest any symptoms. Blood pressure has two parts systolic pressure (upper value) and the diastolic pressure (lower value). Normal value for blood pressure is established as 120/80 mmHg. Prehypertension is a condition wherein systole is 120-138 mmHg or diastole is 80-89 mmHg. Hypertension is stage one is the systole is 140 – 159 mmHg or diastole is 90 – 99 mmHg. It is in stage two if the systole is above 160 mmHg or diastole is 100 mmHg and above.

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10 Ways on How to Reduce Your Daily Sodium Intake

Sodium is a very valuable component of your daily diet. Everyday, you have to take in not less than 1,500 milligrams and no more than 2,300 milligrams of this compound. It is a valuable component in maintaining blood pressure. Sodium retains water in your blood. If you have too much additional water in your blood vessels, then your blood pressure will surely elevate. It also retains water in your tissues. This is why you gain weight when there’s too much sodium in your diet.

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7 Known Dandelion Tea Benefits

As the standards of health rise, more and more people resort to alternative medicine for their organic ingredients. Scientific researchers continue to discover and develop many plants so that they may be able to harness their health benefits.

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Perils of Eating Disorder: Bulimia Nervosa

Eating disorders can be very horrible and little known to people but extreme dieting can lead to other serious problems and even death. Statistics show that an estimated 5 million people in the United States, primarily girls and women, suffer from the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia. Continue reading


Daily Caloric Intake for a Pregnant Woman

Before pregnancy, women should have normal body weights. This is to ensure well-being of the pregnant mother and for the healthy development of the fetus. This is the same reason why couples need to plan for a pregnancy—not only financially or emotionally but more importantly, physically. Continue reading