Every woman goes through it at one time or another her first period. It may be exciting, it may be scary, it may be reassuring every woman feels a different way when it first happens. However you may be feeling, the start of menstruation is a real sign that you have moved from adolescence into womanhood. It may not seem like you’re any older, but your body is now physically prepared to have a baby of its own. This can be a scary thing, but by being knowledgeable and prepared, you can put any fears you have about menstruation and womanhood to rest. Continue reading
Category Archives: Menstrual Cycle
Determining ovulation Part 2
For maximum accuracy, follow the kit’s directions to the letter. However, if the instructions say to test your first urine of the day, you may want to test your second catch instead. Your urine can become concentrated overnight and might give you a false-positive result.
Your cycle starts on the first day you have your period. If you have a 28-day cycle, start using the test on day 11 and use it for six days, or however many days the manufacturer recommends. If your cycle runs between 27 and 34 days, your ovulation may range between days 13 and 20. Start testing on day 11 and continue until day 20 or so. If you have an irregular cycle, you may find that this is the least satisfying way for you to detect your ovulation, because some of the kits — which range in price from $20 to $50 — provide only five to nine days’ worth of tests. You may need to buy more than one kit a month. Continue reading
Determining ovulation Part 1
It can work out that you just get pregnant without any ovulation prediction methods, but in order to get pregnant faster most couples need to focus more and find out the very best times to have intercourse in order to speed up the process. Knowing your date of ovulation and getting pregnant more quickly go hand in hand. Ovulation test kits are very beneficial to determine when you’re ovulating. We’ll discuss these as well as other ovulation detector methods.
First, let’s discuss what ovulation is. Continue reading
I Missed My Period – Do Not be Alarmed!
“Am I pregnant?†That is the first question that pops up when you miss your menstruation, especially when you have a regular cycle. Due to this, many pregnancy testing kits have been available in every drugstore with a wide range of brands and cheaper prices to choose from. Many times, we have a negative pregnancy test result but still, we do not menstruate. This becomes an automatic question when a person is expecting to be pregnant but what are the other reasons why a woman may have a missed period or a delayed menstruation? Don’t be too much alarmed. Although pregnancy is the most common cause for a missed period, pregnancy cannot be automatically confirmed overnight. You also need a couple of things like blood test, a pregnancy test, or an ultrasound to have it confirmed. The age of information technology made us all want to have instant answers and instant everything’s but it always pays to be patient and knowledge is the key.  Here are some of the causes why you miss having a period. Continue reading
5 Effective PMDD Treatment
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder or simply known as PMDD affects 3 to 8 percent of women. It is considered as a severe form of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Though PMS and PMDD may be both characterized as uncomfortable physical, emotional and psychological symptoms associated with menstrual cycle, PMDD is considered more serious because it affects the day to day functions of a woman before her menstrual cycle. Continue reading
Absence of menstruation
Absent menstruation means no menstrual flow, or period. Absent menstruation may be:
- Primary — no menstruation by age 16
- Secondary — menstruation begins at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months
Absent menstruation is called amenorrhea. Continue reading
What Natural Supplements for Menopause Can Do for Your Menopause Nightmare
Women always undergo the most painful and the most laborious physical changes. One of the major physical transformations that they experience is menopause. Menopause is the cessation of a woman’s menstruation. In this major stage of a woman’s life, hormonal, mental, emotional, and physical alterations almost happen at the same time. It can indeed be a roller coaster ride but it has to be accepted and dealt with.
10 Reasons To Quit Smoking In Pregnancy
Smoking has been popular regardless of the gender of the smoker. More and more women nowadays are smoking or are exposed to second hand smoking. Below are the 10 reasons why a pregnant woman should quit smoking during pregnancy but it is always ideal not to go back to the bad habit after bearing the child because smoking for lactating mothers can be dangerous to the breast feeding baby because of the numerous toxins cigarettes have. Continue reading
What Natural Remedies For PMS Can Do to Help You
Have you noticed yourself before you have your period? How do you feel? What significant changes do you experience during this time? Women experience PMS or premenstrual syndrome in different ways. Some have it with severity and others may not exhibit symptoms at all. In PMS, there are both emotional and physical changes that take place about one or two weeks before menstruation. This temporary condition stops when menstrual flow starts.
7 Important Facts to Know About Natural Progesterone Therapy
Progesterone is a steroidal hormone that is present in embryogenesis, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle. It controls regulates estrogen. Since estrogen is responsible for the proliferation of cells and in the thickening of the lining of your uterus, progesterone sees to it that it doesn’t get to far. If you go not have enough progesterone in your body, then estrogen will increase in level. This results into hormonal imbalance.