Category Archives: Mental Health

10 Things That Happen After a Stroke

A stroke is a kind of brain injury that may happen in various areas of the brain. It is more common in older adults, who are about 65 years-old and above. There are two types of stroke—ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke is when the blood vessels are blocked and oxygenated blood is prevented from reaching the brain and this causes damage. Hemorrhagic stroke is when the blood vessels in the brain rupture or burst because of fragility or extreme high blood pressure. This causes damage to the brain tissues because the oxygenated blood does not circulate in the brain anymore.

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8 Pointers to Remember When You Seek Abuse Help as a Battered Woman


The woman is said to be the real backbone of any relationship, especially the committed ones. It is through a woman that a man becomes his best.  But sadly, not all relationships regard the woman as someone to be respected and cared for. There are women all over the world who experience abuse in every form. Whether it is verbal, financial, mental, or physical abuse, women tend to be the most immediate victims of such terrible acts by the men that they have entrusted their lives to. With this, something has to be done.

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