Category Archives: Pregnancy

What To Expect After A Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy comes from the word “hystera” which means “uterus”—the body part that symbolizes womanhood. We often see the word, hystera combined with other suffixes indicating to words related to the uterus. The main function of the uterus is to accept the fertilized ovum to be implanted on its walls to be nurtured. The uterus becomes the home of the fetus, nourishing and protecting the baby all throughout pregnancy. This function makes the uterus a very important body part to women. We all know that men are women are alike except on the physical attributes. Only women have uterus and only women can bear a child. Continue reading

Neuromins: A Clear Focus

Neuromins is a brand of supplement that is derived from a vegetable source that is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for your health. The common source of DHA is fish oil. This makes Neuromins very unique because this DHA comes from microalgae extracts. The microalgae if what the fishes actually eat so taking Neuromins is like going straight to the source of the known source.

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37 Week Fetus and Pregnancy

Congratulations! Oh mother, your baby is now considered a full term baby, even though your due date is three weeks away.  Only five percent of babies are born on their due date. Most babies won’t be coming for three to five more weeks for first time mothers but if your baby decides to come out now, his lungs will most likely be ready to breathe on his own outside the womb. The baby has already passed the 6th month of gestation wherein the lungs become mature enough to produce surfactant—the fluid that prevents tension in the lungs. The baby is now very much welcome to the world. Hush, because the baby may be ready to come out anytime soon. A little patience will do the trick. Continue reading

The 12th Week of Pregnancy: What Every Woman Should Expect

Finally, at the end part of the first trimester of pregnancy, two more to go! Now that you have arrived the 12th week of pregnancy, you may notice that your body is showing the world, in pride that you are really pregnant. Most women are finally showing their bump at the twelfth month. This bump may not be a big, prominent one, but you and the people around you can finally see the difference.  Congratulations and celebrate it! Continue reading

I Missed My Period – Do Not be Alarmed!

“Am I pregnant?” That is the first question that pops up when you miss your menstruation, especially when you have a regular cycle. Due to this, many pregnancy testing kits have been available in every drugstore with a wide range of brands and cheaper prices to choose from. Many times, we have a negative pregnancy test result but still, we do not menstruate. This becomes an automatic question when a person is expecting to be pregnant but what are the other reasons why a woman may have a missed period or a delayed menstruation? Don’t be too much alarmed. Although pregnancy is the most common cause for a missed period, pregnancy cannot be automatically confirmed overnight. You also need a couple of things like blood test, a pregnancy test, or an ultrasound to have it confirmed. The age of information technology made us all want to have instant answers and instant everything’s but it always pays to be patient and knowledge is the key.  Here are some of the causes why you miss having a period. Continue reading

10 Common Skin Problems During Pregnancy

The whole pregnancy experience can be different from one woman to another. Aside from the many physical changes that a pregnant woman may encounter, there are also psychological changes that matter in the care of a pregnant mother. Disturbed body image can be a problem if not addressed correctly.  So you have a big tummy that is announcing to the whole world that you are going to bear a child soon. You want to be proud to everyone but you are worried about how you look. Many pregnant mothers do not like to have their pictures taken because of disturbed body image while in pregnancy. They feel fat, they feel heavy, and they can see that a lot of changes are happening to their skin. Know the usual skin changes that may be a problem during pregnancy. Continue reading

Abortion alternatives Part 2

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, couples often have two immediate choices. They can choose to continue the pregnancy, or not. Not all women have this option for several reasons. For some, abortion isn’t an alternative they are willing to consider for various reasons, including religion, medical, ethical and person beliefs. For others, making the choice to have an abortion isn’t an option because they are unable or unwilling to recognize that they are pregnant. Continue reading

Abortion alternatives Part 1

If you have just discovered you are pregnant or you think you may be pregnant, then you are probably thinking about your options. You may be wondering how you will cope with pregnancy or how you will afford to support yourself and your unborn child. You may be encouraged to make a quick and uninformed decision on what choice you will make next. Continue reading

5 Common Causes of Nausea And Fatigue

Have you ever experienced a sudden need to vomit? Have you ever felt so tired even if you had enough sleep and a hearty breakfast? Many people undergo the same ailments and sometimes, they don’t have the faintest idea why they vomit or feel too tired.

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4 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Gestational hypertension or pregnancy induced hypertension is also a sign of eclampsia or hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. When you are  pregnant and your blood pressure shoots up, it is not something that you could just dismiss. Pregnant women usually have lower than normal blood pressure because the demand for blood is increased. A woman’s blood supply has two routes to go to when she becomes pregnant—her own body and the developing fetus.

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