Category Archives: Pregnancy

6 Effective All-Natural Ways To Increase Fertility In Men

Passing on genetic traits and ensuring the propagation of the species has always been the goals of the males. The human male species are of no exception. If the man is able to father a child, then he is sure that his legacy will be carried on.  A number of the human male population suffers from low fertility. This is brought about by so many factors in this ever-busy world.

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700-year-old chinese conception chart

One of the most wonderful, and exciting events any woman could ever experience would be her own pregnancy. The sheer joy of knowing that somebody lives inside that growing belly is a great source of unparalleled joy and happiness. This euphoric feeling is not only for the woman who is conceiving, but is shared by the father-to-be as well. Continue reading

6 Effective Treatment Plan for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes acquires at some stage in pregnancy.  Gestational diabetes is the reason of becoming the blood sugar content in high level affecting the pregnancy as well as the health condition of the baby inside the womb.  However, mothers-to-be may able to manage gestational diabetes by having healthy diet, doing physical activities regularly and medication, if only required.  Healthy pregnancy can be obtained by taking good care of yourself thus making also the baby healthy. Continue reading

6 Effective Natural Sleep Aids During Pregnancy to Consider

Pregnant women are notorious sleepers. But there will always be high points wherein you will not get comfortable enough to get your proper sleep. This usually happens during the first trimester and the third trimester of your pregnancy. Although it may seem disturbing, it’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry.

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Getting Your Baby A Goodnight’s Sleep

Getting your baby to sleep could be quite a task. Especially nowadays wherein both mothers and fathers are wage earners, sometimes it can be difficult to get your baby a good night’s sleep without your own sleep getting disrupted. You want your baby to sleep well as a good foundation for his or her health. As a parent, you also want to have a good sleep in order to be strong enough to take good care of your baby during your waking hours. You don’t want to disrupt the sleep of other’s when the baby cries at night. You just want to bring the best out in him. Continue reading

2 hour glucose tolerance test

The glucose tolerance test is a laboratory method to check how the body breaks down (metabolizes) sugar.

How the Test is Performed

The most common glucose tolerance test is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). You cannot eat or drink anything after midnight before the test. For the test, you will be asked to drink a liquid containing a certain amount of glucose. Your blood will be taken before you do this, and again every 30 to 60 minutes after you drink the solution. The test takes up to 3 hours. Continue reading

10 Reasons To Quit Smoking In Pregnancy

Smoking has been popular regardless of the gender of the smoker. More and more women nowadays are smoking or are exposed to second hand smoking. Below are the 10 reasons why a pregnant woman should quit smoking during pregnancy but it is always ideal not to go back to the bad habit after bearing the child because smoking for lactating mothers can be dangerous to the breast feeding baby because of the numerous toxins cigarettes have.  Continue reading

11th week of pregnancy

How your baby’s growing

Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.

She’s already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won’t feel your baby’s acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming. Continue reading

What If You Stop Smoking Now?

What if you stop smoking at this very moment? Have you ever thought about the benefits it could cause to your body, to society, and to the environment? Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is a cool thing. Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is legal indoors. Continue reading

Constipation Remedies During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences several changes in her body. Along with the many changes happening in the woman’s body are some discomforts and special needs. Both the health of the mother and her child needs care and attention. A healthy pregnant woman should achieve homeostasis or balance as a non-pregnant woman should. Prevention of any disease is always better than cure.

One of the common problems encountered during pregnancy is the problem in elimination of bowels. It is a common problem but doesn’t mean that every pregnant woman should undergo this burden. Continue reading