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Organic Face Cream For Men – 3 Brands Men Can Choose For Skincare

Many guys now give high importance to skincare. Some would even want to get natural skincare products like face creams to ensure they will not get any negative reactions from these products. However, several guys would find mixing skincare recipes to be a thing that only women would do. With this in mind, they would just find organic face cream for men online and help them with their skincare regimen.

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Abnormal child behaviour Part 2

2. Referral: Children are rarely self-referred: their parents or other adults decide the child needs help and seeks it out. The first task of a clinician working with children is to determine whether or not a problem actually exists. Intolerance, ignorance, and misconceptions on the part of the adult may be the reason for the referral. Indeed, parents’ referral of their child may be more a factor of their own emotional state. Other problems in referral are that certain behaviors may be overlooked.  Parents, teachers, and other adults who refer a child for help, may underidentify children with certain disturbances because those disturbances are less salient or troublesome to them.  For example: the child who withdraws from social contact will not be as salient as the child who disrupts class, and so may not be identified as needing help. Continue reading

What Natural Testosterone Replacement Can Do To Amp Up Your Health

When you hear the word testosterone, you immediately think of men. Unknown to most people, women also produce the testosterone hormone but evidently in much lower amounts. Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for aggression and secondary male characteristics. When women have this hormone in higher levels, they usually have hirsutism or excessive facial hair, smaller breasts, and a protruding Adam’s apple. There are actually women who are mistaken for men because they have more testosterone in their bodies. The imbalance of testosterone levels can either be an excessive increase or a excessive decrease in the amount of hormone.

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7 Important Things to Consider in Taking Natural Thyroid Medication

Basically, the thyroid is responsible for the production of hormones that control or regulate your rate of metabolism. It also handles your body’s hormone sensitivity and how well  it utilizes energy. Thyroid diseases affect the rate of metabolism that you have. You may exhibit several symptoms such as coarse skin, sleeplessness, cold feet and hands, headaches, cold sensitivity, swollen eyes, fatigue, fragile nails, dizziness, and aching joints.

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Types of ablation surgery

Ablation surgery is a procedure to destroy abnormal tissues. Surgical ablation is typically performed with a scalpel, such as the removal of thyroid tissue. In other procedures a laser may be used to vaporize tissue without surgery or radio frequencies may be used to heat the tissue to the point of tissue death. Continue reading

7 proper food combining rules

1.   Proteins DO NOT Combine with Starches!

This rule heads the list as being the worst of the disease-producing habits. If you know anything about the facts of digestion, you’ll realize that there’s no way this combination will ever digest. What about meat and potatoes, hamburgers, sub sandwiches, meat pizzas, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and all? Take for example the hamburger-the meat is a protein and the bread is a starch. It takes a series of acid digestive juices to digest the protein and a series of alkaline digestive juices to digest the starch. Did you ever burn yourself in chemistry class with acid and were told to apply an alkaline to neutralize the acid? This same result is what happens to the digestive juices in the stomach when you eat a protein and a starch together. They neutralize themselves and NO DIGESTION IS THE RESULT. If it doesn’t digest properly, it rots in our stomachs. Continue reading

12 All-Natural Stomach Flu Cures to Try

Having a stomach illness such as stomach flu is a very embarrassing and a somehow debilitating condition. When you have the stomach flu, sometimes you may never know that you have it but there are some cases that it really lets you know that it’s there.

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Walking with Foot Drop

Foot drop or also known as drop foot syndrome is annoying and uncomfortable condition that affects walking. People who have foot drop may not be able to lift their foot above the ground. They may look like they are jerking their foot while walking because of the pain they feel. Continue reading

20 week marathon training program for beginners

Congratulations on your decision to train for your first marathon! This training schedule (see table below) is perfect for a beginner runner and a first-time marathoner whose goal is to finish the 26.2-mile race. To start this beginner marathon training schedule, you should have been running for at least six months and should have a base mileage of 12-15 miles per week.

If you have not already had a physical, visit your doctor for medical clearance to train for a marathon. Continue reading

6 Ways to Stop Sore Throat Pain

Sore throat pain is often characterized as painful and annoying pain of the throat. It is often related to other ailments. Depending on the cause of sore throat pain, it usually resolves on its own while other cases need medications.

What is Sore Throat Pain?

Sore throat pain is irritation of the throat that usually worsens when you drink and swallow. It can occur due to several reasons. The simplest reason is shouting or singing for a long period. Depending on the symptoms, it can also be an onset of viral infection or bacterial infection. Sore throat associated with viral infection may be alleviated through home remedies but sore throat due to bacteria like Streptococcus needs antibiotics to avoid rheumatic fever.

Untreated sore throat due to bacteria may result to rheumatic fever in kids. Rheumatic fever is a serious condition that may result to fever, joint pain and inflammation of the heart.

If your sore throat is associated with fever and may have trouble in swallowing. Visit your doctor right away to rule out underlying serious ailments.

What are the Causes of Sore Throat Pain?

The causes of sore throat pain are divided to two main reasons. It can be due to a viral illness or bacterial infections.

Viral illnesses that cause sore throat are:

  • Flu
  • Colds
  • Monucleosis
  • Mumps
  • Measles


Bacterial infections that cause sore throat pain are:

  • Strep throat (which may lead to rheumatic fever if sore throat remain untreated)
  • Tonsillitis
  • Uvulitis
  • Sexually transmitted disease


Aside from viral illnesses and bacterial infection, other causes related to sore throat pain are:

  • Allergies to pets and molds
  • Pollution
  • Smoking
  • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • HIV
  • Cancer



What are Sore Throat Pain Symptoms?

Sore throat pain symptoms vary according to the cause. Some of the symptoms may include:

  • Sneeze
  • Fever
  • Hoarse voice
  • Red tonsils
  • Cough
  • Pain when you swallow
  • Feeling nauseous


Severe symptoms of sore throat related to other ailments may include:

  • High fever
  • Rashes
  • Blood found in phlegm
  • Lump in the neck area


Consult your doctor to see the cause of your sore throat especially if your symptoms do not heal with home treatments.

How can you Prevent Sore Throat Pain?

Sore throat pain due to bacteria or virus is transmittable. The best defense against it is prevention. Preventing sore throat may include:

  • Proper washing of the hands with soap and water should be observed especially before eating meals.
  • Cover you nose when sneezing.
  • Use hand sanitizers
  • If you can avoid it, do not use public phones
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid second hand smoke
  • Bring your own water and avoid drinking using your mouth in public fountains
  • Clean your computers and phones with sanitizer cleansers as these are the frequent places of bacteria.
  • Avoid having a close contact with those who have flu like symptoms
  • For those who have allergies, wear a mask when cleaning the house


What are Sore Throat Pain Treatments?

Sore throat pain treatments vary depending on the diagnosis. Some of effective treatments that may alleviate the discomfort are:



1. Antibiotics

Antibiotics are given if the cause of sore throat pain is bacterial. Antibiotics are taken for 7 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Finish the whole course of antibiotics for failing to do so may worsen your sore throat or it may lead to serious health problem like rheumatic fever.





2. Nasal Spray

If your sore throat pain is related to allergies, you may ask your doctor if you need nasal spray. Nasal spray can help in managing your allergies and sore throat.





3. Saltwater solution

Saltwater solution is the first home treatment for sore throat pain. Put 1 tsp. of salt to warm water and gargle the solution. You can gargle 2 to 3 times a day. This will soothe your sore throat and will lessen the redness of the tonsils.





4. Drink lots of water and fluids

Drinking lots of water may help in soothing the dryness of your sore throat. Aside from water, you may also drink warm broths and soups.






            5. Avoid smoking

Smoking will only worsen your sore throat. It is recommended that you avoid smoking to avoid irritating your throat.






            6. Sore throat lozenges

Sore throat lozenges may temporarily give comfort to your sore throat. Lozenges are for adults but do not give them to children to avoid choking.







Sore throat pain may be simple but it can lead to some serious problem if left untreated. Ask your medical health provider if your symptoms persist more than two weeks.