Tag Archives: EKG

Adenosine thallium scan

Adenosine thallium scan: A method of examining the heart to obtain information about the blood supply to the heart muscle. Special cameras take a series of pictures of the heart. Radioactive thallium is injected into the bloodstream and serves as a tracer. The tracer attaches to certain cells and makes them visible to the special camera. The tracer attaches to the muscle cells of the heart so the imaging camera can take pictures of the heart muscles. If an area of the heart does not receive an adequate flow of blood, the cells in the underserved area do not receive as much tracer and it appears as a darker area on the picture taken by the camera. Continue reading

12 lead EKG interpretation made easy

The first step in your assessment should be to get a general sense of the EKG. Mentally note if you see something out of the ordinary and come back to it as you go through your assessment. Do all the leads look normal?
Is there normal R-wave progression? Is AVR inverted? Be very general in this first assessment.

The second step begins our formal analysis of the 12-lead EKG. Check the calibration block on the 12-lead. Is it standard, half-standard, or 2 times standard? Don’t forget to do this. Continue reading