Tag Archives: healthy diet

Acai and weight loss info

Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries have been making headlines as one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They’re supposed to be good for weight loss, anti-aging, and more. But can acai really help you lose weight, as the online ads promise?

Grown in the Amazon River basin in Brazil, acai is a deep purple berry that tastes like a combination of wild berries and chocolate. The berry’s anthocyanin content gives it its rich purple color. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that may protect the body against cancer, inflammation, diabetes, aging, neurological diseases, and bacterial infections.  Continue reading

Top 10 Tips to Healthy Eating

Food is considered the best friend of most people. It is not judgemental, it is unconditional, it is unbiased, it has no favorites, and it is always there when you need it. With this, eating is considered as a very common past-time and refuge whatever lifestyle you have. Quick fixes and easy satisfaction is the trend these days because people don’t seem to have the time and effort to think of and decide on wise food options and ideal eating practices.


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