Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor of the breast and the most common breast tumor in women under age 30. Fibroadenomas are sometimes called breast mice or a breast mouse owing to their high mobility in the breast. Continue reading

Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor of the breast and the most common breast tumor in women under age 30. Fibroadenomas are sometimes called breast mice or a breast mouse owing to their high mobility in the breast. Continue reading
Just only recently have we seen some really good research showing the association between certain foods and nutrients and brainpower. Most of us know that after 40 we’re sort of in a decline. Our eyes are getting worse; we get injured more easily exercising; and our brain isn’t quite as sharp as we remember it being in our earlier years. Continue reading
With diet and hot flashes it’s a bit of trial and error. Something may work for some women, so either you have to throw them all up in the air and see what helps you. Continue reading
Hysterectomy comes from the word “hystera†which means “uterusâ€â€”the body part that symbolizes womanhood. We often see the word, hystera combined with other suffixes indicating to words related to the uterus. The main function of the uterus is to accept the fertilized ovum to be implanted on its walls to be nurtured. The uterus becomes the home of the fetus, nourishing and protecting the baby all throughout pregnancy. This function makes the uterus a very important body part to women. We all know that men are women are alike except on the physical attributes. Only women have uterus and only women can bear a child. Continue reading
Every woman can not avoid this major change specifically when she reaches middle age and beyond in her life where she can experience the symptoms of what we called, menopause. Menopause is a medical term characterized by the permanent ending of the main functions of a woman’s ovary.  It is from the Greek word pausis and the root men which means, the end of monthly cycles. Continue reading