Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. Or, six months, if a woman is 35 years of age or older. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile. Continue reading

Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. Or, six months, if a woman is 35 years of age or older. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile. Continue reading
Hysterectomy comes from the word “hystera†which means “uterusâ€â€”the body part that symbolizes womanhood. We often see the word, hystera combined with other suffixes indicating to words related to the uterus. The main function of the uterus is to accept the fertilized ovum to be implanted on its walls to be nurtured. The uterus becomes the home of the fetus, nourishing and protecting the baby all throughout pregnancy. This function makes the uterus a very important body part to women. We all know that men are women are alike except on the physical attributes. Only women have uterus and only women can bear a child. Continue reading
Finally, at the end part of the first trimester of pregnancy, two more to go! Now that you have arrived the 12th week of pregnancy, you may notice that your body is showing the world, in pride that you are really pregnant. Most women are finally showing their bump at the twelfth month. This bump may not be a big, prominent one, but you and the people around you can finally see the difference. Â Congratulations and celebrate it! Continue reading
The surgical removal of the womb or the uterus is called Hysterectomy. Adjacent parts of the female reproductive system such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries may be also included in some other types of hysterectomy.
Like in most mammals, the uterus is the house that nurtures the unborn baby until it reaches the proper time to be delivered into the world. It is a pear-shaped organ and is a major hormone responsive reproductive sex organ of females. The uterus functions to accept the fertilized ovum of which passes through fallopian tube from the ovaries. It is where the fertilized ovum is implanted on the thick musculature of the endometrium to be nourished and wait its time to complete gestation. Continue reading
Before pregnancy, women should have normal body weights. This is to ensure well-being of the pregnant mother and for the healthy development of the fetus. This is the same reason why couples need to plan for a pregnancy—not only financially or emotionally but more importantly, physically. Continue reading