A healthy appetite is good but if excessive, could lead to significant weight gain. This is the common problem with people who are addicted to food or eating. Food seems to be too irresistible and too enticing to lessen or avoid. As a result, you exceed your normal body mass index (BMI). You are then prone to various diseases like those that affect the heart, blood vessels, liver, and pancreas.
To prevent or reduce weight gain, some people exercise, stick to a diet plan, and even take appetite suppressant medications. You should talk to your doctor first if you are considering the use of appetite suppressant drugs. These are usually taken when your stomach is still empty, an hour before your meal, with a specific diet that you should stick to so that it may be fully effective. You should remember that appetite suppressant drugs should not be crushed and should be entirely swallowed. This is to maintain the long term effects of the drug. It is usually prescribed for eight to twelve weeks without any other appetite suppressant drug.
There are specific side effects that you should take note of when taking appetite suppressant medications. These include constipation, stomach upset, blurred vision, sleeplessness, dizziness, dry mouth, and irritability. You should immediately go to your doctor if these common side effects persist or bother you already. More serious side effects are nervousness, palpitations, chest pains, difficulty breathing, difficulty in urine elimination, swelling, and changes in mood. You should avoid any activity that requires you to be alert or awake because diet suppressant drugs make you light headed or dizzy.
You should make sure that you inform your doctor of your medical history. Be specific about hyperthyroidism, elevated blood pressure, emotional issues, kidney disease, diabetes, and glaucoma. As much as possible, do not drink alcoholic beverages because this may aggravate the side effects. Children should not take appetite suppressant drugs at all. It could be used when you’re pregnant but only if it is really needed. If you are breastfeeding, it is not advisable to use at all.
Here are is a small list of appetite suppressant drugs that you may want to discuss openly with your doctor:
 1. Glucagon
One prescribed medication in the list of appetite suppressant drugs is glucagon, also known as GlucaGen. It also stabilizes your blood sugar. It binds to the your glucagon receptors and makes your liver release the stored glucose. Because of this, your blood sugar becomes balanced and therefore prevents all sorts of cravings. Hypoglycemic patients benefit from taking emergency glucagon injections. It is known as an anorectic that’s why it’s recommended for weight loss.
2. Phentermine
Phentermine is the most widely used in the list of appetite suppressant drugs. The brand names of phentermine are Fastin or Adipex. This targets the ANS or autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus if mostly affected by this drug because it is the satiety center of the brain. It tells the body if we are full or satisfied with drinks of food. Phentermine also increases serotonin that also tells the body if it is already full after eating. So if you already feel full, you eat less.
3. Amphetamine
Amphetamine, also known as Dexedrine or Adderall, is also used as an appetite suppressant. You should take precaution in taking this drug because it could be very addictive. This is why it’s only used for a short period of time and only for those who are severely affected by obesity. Amphetamine also targets the neurotransmitters that signal fullness after eating. It increases their levels up to a point where you already feel euphoric. This is mainly the reason why it is addictive.
4. Sibutramine
Meridia is another name of sibutarmine. This is also one of the commonly used ones in the list of appetite suppressant drugs. This also affects the neurotransmitters that make you feel full after a meal. It also targets a bit of dopamine or norepinephrine. Sibutramine blocks the neurotransmitters to have a reuptake.
Make sure that you talk to your doctor when you decide to take any one of these medications in the list of appetite suppressant drugs. Any other supplement or prescription should be disclosed. Appetite suppressant drugs interact with MAO inhibitors, hypertension medications, or other diet pills. You should also avoid caffeine and decongestants.
Remember that taking appetite suppressant drugs doesn’t mean that you could forget eating healthy meals already. You should use appetite suppressant drugs with a steady diet plan and exercise. Losing weight, no matter what method you use, is really up to you. Just make sure that you don’t sacrifice your own health in doing so.