Alcohol abuse is one of the problems being faced by society today. Just like drugs, alcohol is very accessible and very cheap that is why it is the most immediate source of comfort and relief for most people. So many people get addicted to alcoholic beverages. They abuse alcohol and use it to get rid of the hurt and the negative feelings they experience. Alcohol dependence is an increasing problem that never seems to go away.
There are many symptoms of alcohol abuse that you should take note of. You should be well aware of these so that you may be able to control the abuse readily and save yourself or your loved ones from such a very detrimental addiction. Some people may detect alcohol abuse immediately but some don’t. Here are some of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms  that you could take note of:
1. Neglect
One of the very obvious long term alcohol abuse symptoms is neglect of all responsibilities because you are already too engrossed with your alcoholic habit. This includes appointments, deadlines, special occasions, and errands that you should keep in order to maintain a healthy and acceptable lifestyle. If the person keeps on neglecting the responsibilities that he or she has, then alcoholism or alcohol abuse may be one of the main reasons why this is so.
2. Excessive use of alcohol
Excessive use or intake of alcohol is another one of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms. It is very noticeable already when the person tends to drink more alcohol over a longer period of time than anyone else. It would seem that there is absolutely no limits to the alcohol intake already.
3. No control
The long term alcohol abuse symptoms involve the inability of the person to control the intake of alcohol already. It is alarming to see this happening. There seems to be no stopping already and this means that it will be very difficult to stop the alcohol abuse.
4. Persistence
Even if the person knows that he or she is already abusing alcohol, the persistence of the intake is indeed one of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms that should be noted. This is a very difficult symptom to control because the will of the alcoholic that is the problem. If the abuser keeps on using and abusing alcohol no matter how intense the efforts are to stop it, this means that this is just a vicious cycle that keeps on happening for a long time already.
5. Alcohol related activities come first
One of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms is the prioritization of activities that involve alcohol such as parties and gatherings that aim to have a good time with alcohol. All other appointments will be dismissed or set aside just so these functions could be attended. The alcohol served is always the priority for those who abuse alcohol on a long term basis already. They just don’t have the will to turn down an opportunity to drink alcohol.
6. Withdrawal
Another one of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms is the withdrawal symptoms that the person experiences whenever alcohol is denied or stopped. The person experiences anxiety, shaking, sweating, and nausea whenever drinking is halted or the alcohol supply is cut off suddenly.
7. Tolerance
Tolerance is indeed one of the long term alcohol abuse symptoms. This is the continuous increase in the levels of alcohol intake so as to feel the desired effects. For example, if the person doesn’t feel the effects of alcohol after six bottles, then he or she will consume more and more alcohol until he or she eventually feels the effects.
You should consult your doctor or the doctor that handles your friend or loved one with regard to the long term alcohol abuse symptoms so that proper means to help them may be pushed through systematically. It is really hard to accept that there is long term alcohol abuse going on already but everything should be done to correct this before it is too late. The abuse should be stopped because f the long term effects of the abuse such as liver disease, heart disease, obesity, sexual problems, muscle diseases, infertility, deficiency in vitamins, pancreatitis, liver failure, Â cancer of the liver, skin problems, stomach ulcers, deterioration of brain cells, nerve damage, and epilepsy. The person will show worsening of anxiety and depression. Violence and hostility towards others may ensue and may result to accidents and further physical abuse. Legal issues may also worsen if the long term alcohol abuse symptoms are not controlled. Work with the attending physician with the treatment options available.